RMRK - The Dawn of the Art Legos


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!!! Hey devs and designers! RMRK is running a $50000 hackathon: https://rmrk.devpost.com/ !!!

RMRK is a system of NFTs that can:

- own other NFTs
- react to emotion
- choose what render to show you based on on and off chain logic and conditions
- choose what resource to load based on the program loading the NFT
- be governed as DAOs using fungible share tokens

The dawn of art legos is upon us!

RMRK Whitepaper: https://url.rmrk.app/wp-pub
Initial Collectible Offering (genesis NFTs): https://url.rmrk.app/vid2

Contact: hello@rmrk.app
TG: t.me/kanaria_official
Twitter: @rmrkapp

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