Sunday Funday 2: I quickly explain my thoughts while I climb in Gold.

Splinterlands Guide

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I played some ranked games on Sunday and many people have asked to watch me play. I did not want to make this video too long by including the card selection process, I also found it rushed to talk about my thoughts in the 2 minutes. However as this is new let me know if you like this idea, found it useful or if you hate it and would rather I stick to a more detailed guide per ruleset.

Also I have begun working with some amazing people working to help improve the player experience and help give new players a good start. Join the discord to see what is happening.
A few people have asked if I have a discord I am still in the process of building one but feel free to ask for me there or just as usual grab me from the official Splinterlands discord.

If you have not already joined Splinterlands please use my referral I am happy to send the 0.5 USD back If you are a whale and would like to donate, all cards donated will be delegated to the new players the account is: sl-guides. Join the blockchain gaming fun!

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